So after a day or two of spinning, I realise that the bobbins which are positioned on the front of the wheel are just there to rest. I need a lazy Kate - or Jane as I had in my head lol!
Yet again DH comes to the rescue!!!!!
He disappears up to the back building and is gone long enough for me to forget to wonder what he is up to.
I'm getting on with a pork roast, so am absorbed in cooking out the kitchen. DH calls me into the living room and presents me with --Ta daaaaa!!!-- a home made lazy Kate, YAY!!
I was happy with as it was, but DH went back upstairs to finish it off.
the mean time, whilst the food was cooking, I set about making skeins out of the wool that I had spun. It has come out as a dk/worsted weight. Now I have to decide what to turn them into?
Hubby then reappears with my freshly varnished lazy kate, complete with finials. Ooo he's a clever clogs. Hugs and kisses to him.
I'm planning on reopening my customs slot on my website from 1st May.
My list should be a lot shorter by then.
Elaine here is your supernova waffley good soaker. It will be finished by tonight, i'll start on the lime flower tomorrow.
Hannah, I have your wool -at blumming last! - I'm just waiting for your revised measurements.
What a wonderful hubby you have.